How Government Budget Owners Use Social Media in 2024

Hey, government contractors! Are you ready to decode the mysteries of social media habits among government budget owners? Lumino Digital's latest survey dives deep into how and why government employees utilize social media platforms today. Let's take a closer look at the data and uncover actionable strategies to leverage social media for your business growth in the public sector.


Before we dive into the fascinating world of social media habits, let's first understand the methodology behind the insights. Lumino Digital collaborated with an independent research agency to survey 100 federal government budget owners and 100 state/local government budget owners. With a margin of error of +/-7% at the 95% confidence level, the survey offers valuable insights into the social media landscape in the public sector.

Exploring Social Media Usage:

What draws government budget owners to social media? Our survey reveals that while entertainment reigns supreme as the primary motive (74.5%), networking (49%) and education (34%) also play significant roles. It's clear that social media serves as a multifaceted platform for government employees to connect, engage, and stay informed.

The Top Players:

When it comes to regular usage during the day, Facebook emerges as the frontrunner (61%), followed closely by YouTube (47%) and LinkedIn (41%). Interestingly, only 12% of government budget owners report not regularly using social media during the day, highlighting the pervasive nature of social media in their daily routines.

Channel Preferences and Usage:

Each social media channel serves a unique purpose in the eyes of government budget owners. While LinkedIn stands out as the go-to platform for networking (44.5%), other channels like TikTok, Instagram, and X/Twitter see lower levels of engagement, with a significant portion of respondents reporting non-usage.

Key Takeaways:

Based on these insights, here are some key takeaways for government contractors:

  • Recognize that social media serves primarily as a source of entertainment for government budget owners, with networking coming in as a close second. Tailor your social media content accordingly to resonate with their preferences.

  • Focus your efforts on platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn, which are the most regularly used by government budget owners during the day. Maximize your visibility and engagement on these platforms to connect with your target audience effectively.

  • Capitalize on the unique networking potential of LinkedIn. This platform not only serves as a hub for professional connections but also emerges as the top choice for learning about new businesses. Leverage LinkedIn to showcase your expertise and forge valuable relationships with government buyers.

Unlock the Full Potential:

Ready to delve deeper into the realm of social media habits among government budget owners? Download the full Pulse of Procurement report to access comprehensive insights and strategic recommendations: Download Now

Partner with Lumino:

Discover how Lumino Digital can help you harness the power of social media to accelerate your success in government contracting. Learn more about our tailored solutions and proven strategies: Learn More

Don't miss out on the opportunity to leverage social media as a strategic tool for business growth in the public sector. Embrace the insights from our survey and unlock new avenues for engagement and success.


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